I can't start the blockchain

Hello everybody I need your help please I am new in blockchain developpemlent.
here is my probleme:
when I run the following commant:
./bin/run start

I get the follwing error:
reference errotr : app is not defined

please can some one help me?
thank you

Hello @lemzo63 please go to yours app src/app/modules.ts and remove the _ from _app

import { Application } from 'lisk-sdk';
import { HelloModule } from "./modules/hello/hello_module";

export const registerModules = (_app: Application): void => {



Thank you dear for your answer.
here is my src/app/modules/modules.ts

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function */
import { Application } from ‘lisk-sdk’;
import { HelloModule } from “./modules/hello/hello_module”;

// @ts-expect-error Unused variable error happens here until at least one module is registered
export const registerModules = (_app: Application): void => {



please tell me what I should remove

thank you

OK I see I am doing it right now and will give you the result.once again thank you

here is the result:


~/lbc$ lbc genesis-block:create --output config/default

ReferenceError: app is not defined

does ./bin/run genesis-block:create --output config/default work?

no unfortunately it doesn’t work

It should work, are you sure you’ve changed the the _app to app? in the modules.ts file?

Did you make the same changes in plugins.ts , app instead of _app?

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I make the same changes in plugins.ts , app instead of _app

and it works

It works !!!
Thank you for helping me.
god blees you

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No I didn’t I am going to do it right now…

and gess what?

It works !!!
Thank you for helping me.
god blees you

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