Lisk validator error

Hello everybody I faced another problem wich is :slight_smile:
when i want to start with ./bin/run
I got yhis error:

Error: Lisk validator found 3 error[s]:
Missing property, must have required property ‘encryptedPassphrase’
Missing property, must have required property ‘captchaSecretkey’
Missing property, must have required property ‘captchaSitekey’

Please help me resove this problem.

Thank you very much

Hi @lemzo63 this error comes from the faucet plugin, the plugin requires additional configuration and it’s missing in your case. Please read Enabling a faucet for a devnet or testnet - Lisk SDK Docs part of the documentation. Or just disable the plugin if you don’t need it.

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I see now Thank you once again.
you are very helpful to me. :smiley:

HI @przemer I did what you adwised me and it worked .
But the same error occured when I run this command

lbc genesis-block:create --validators 23 --accounts 5 --token-distribution 200000000000
Error: Lisk validator found 3 error[s]:
Missing property, must have required property ‘encryptedPassphrase’
Missing property, must have required property ‘captchaSecretkey’
Missing property, must have required property ‘captchaSitekey’

in my .lisk/LBC Config/default/config.json
I have this
“plugins”: {
“faucet”: {
“encryptedPassphrase”: “iterations=1000000&cipherText=fd3917b201cc1162d887388dc5cc06b76781d7d438b6e199ed1b98cd5453ffc28a4c6c118cd721d4a8302103ff8d578e26d576992cff625b995402e1de8584754eab01989ad71000&iv=2eea95027f3111dfbcb3fed2&salt=901224821aa4509e3e841d8eaf4c9594&tag=ec5d60f3a18983081a93a42972382b5e&version=1”,
“captchaSecretkey”: “6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe”,
“captchaSitekey”: “6LeIxAcTAAAAAJcZVRqyHh71UMIEGNQ_MXjiZKhI”

So I don’t understand does this error come from.
I need help please.

I am following the guides LAUNCHING A PUBLIC TESTNET.
I want to create a new genesis block with this command

lbc genesis-block:create --validators 23 --accounts 5 --token-distribution 200000000000

Thank you

if you put in your app.ts i would remove it

const { FaucetPlugin } = require('@liskhq/lisk-framework-faucet-plugin');

const app = Application.defaultApplication(genesisBlockDevnet, configDevnet);


  .then(() =>'App started...'))
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Faced error in application', error);

and later on, if you want to launch the faucet use the --enable-faucet-plugin while launching your app
you can find more cli commands here Application CLI Commands - Lisk SDK Docs