Recursive custom transactions


Is it possible to create and broadcast a new custom transaction through another one with a same or different type?

Hi @Kasra99,

With the current version of Lisk SDK, it is not possible to create and broadcast a new custom transaction through another registered custom transaction. All the custom transaction must be registered on all the node (especially delegate nodes) before they get accepted. If we create new custom transaction on the fly it will be rejected by the other nodes.

No, all custom transaction types have been registered previously.

I mean calling one registered transaction inside another and broadcasting it using API.

For example suppose hello world application, calling TransferTransaction through HelloTransaction in applyAsset part!!!

I think this is not feasible since any new transactions need to be signed. Also, if a transaction creates another transaction, it will potentially looped recursively forever.
What you could do is that observe the transaction to be in the network or been included in a block, and send another transaction offchain using that information.

thanks my issue has been fixed.

thanks for the awesome information.